Laundry Industry Analysis
The laundry care market has evolved over time. These changes have led to intensified competition among rival producers and gradual expansion in consumer choice. The market currently faces strategic challenges from changes in consumer needs and preferences as well as any future rise in outsourcing and use of multi-purpose launderettes and from emerging washing technologies.
UK consumers use washing machines most frequently each week although Pakistani consumers wash their clothes more frequently overall with a combination of machine and hand washing. Consumers everywhere hate doing the ironing the most of all laundry tasks and all household chores. Universally, no less than 80% of respondents to Pakistani consumer survey reported this chore as the one they disliked the most. Food and cooking are the most common causes of clothes staining and odor tainting for most consumers. Cigarette smoke concerns consumers aged 25-34 the most, as this age group is most likely to encounter the problem when going out for the evening. Smoking bans may lessen the importance of this source of odors.
Explore regional and national differences through qualitative market data and compare growth and penetration data to plan for future developments. Gain insight into the consumer preferences and changing behaviors that will affect the strategic direction of the laundry care market. Explore in-depth analysis of new products launched globally and action points that highlight existing best practice and new innovations.
For many centuries, soap was primarily used for laundering. However, laundry detergents have essentially replaced soap because they perform over a broad range of water hardness levels.
Laundry Detergent and washing powders have become an important part of every consumer’s life. The market offers a variety of washing powders, each brand claiming to wash the cleanest at unbeatable prices to consumers. Laundry detergents, however, exert a hidden but taxing cost on the environment and consumer health due to their environment-damaging properties. Phosphates are one of the main ingredients in most present-day laundry detergents and are also the primary culprits in polluting water bodies.
Growth in industry
Laundry detergent is also widely used in the Pakistan market, the average per annum consumption of laundry detergent is approximately 33,000 tons - One tone detergent costs around 138,000 Rs. Since the last two years, the market trend (Pakistan) in the laundry detergents has taken a good pace, and many consumers are switching from the bar soaps to laundry detergents. In terms of percentage, the increase ratio is about to 20-25% per annum.
Need for a wider consumer base
Increased competition in some categories has led to an increase in the variety of products which constitute particular ranges. In others, it has led to the targeting of a larger consumer base through increasing awareness of certain products’ usefulness and conducting brand awareness campaigns. Overall, competitive pressure stemming from increased prices and the effects of the economic recession led to some companies taking proactive measures during 2009 in order to gain value share by expanding into unexploited categories of home care and seeking to differentiate their products among consumers.
International brands preferred by consumers
A handful of multinationals dominate value sales in most categories of home care. Household name brands in countries around the world hold a similar status in Pakistan. These brands represent quality and availability and maintain a strong image. Domestic brands usually offer lower quality and represent a cheaper alternative. Whereas multinationals use their resources to make a strong impression on consumer consciousness, for example through advertising, local brands tend to have more limited visibility. In view of the current high rate of inflation and the slowdown in the economy a considerable proportion of consumers might be inclined to rethink their choice of home care product and shift to cheaper alternatives.
Increased popularity of supermarkets and other large-scale retail formats
A number of multinational operators set up in Pakistan during the review period, with many new retail outlets opening. This new trend also seems to be popular among consumers who increasingly rely on these distribution channels for stocking up during periodic big shopping trips. This trend can be attributed to the greater need for buying products in bulk at discounted rates due to the prevailing adverse macroeconomic conditions. After meeting with success in Pakistan’s biggest cities Lahore and Karachi, the impact of the increasing presence of these channels is now being felt in smaller cities such as Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Faisalabad.
Growth in value sales, slump in volume sales
Although the global economy is expected to recover during the forecast period, there will still be considerable inflationary pressures affecting the economy of Pakistan. However, volume will continue to grow at a slow pace due to the nature of consumer demand for many of the products. Although volume growth will remain at a low level, the jump in unit price will lead to a considerable rise in value sales. However, any possible deterioration in economic conditions or delay in the expected economic recovery will end up causing negative volume growth and very minute unit price increases as more consumers shift to economy brands from their current choice of standard brands. Even if the economic recovery begins soon, high inflation will still ensure that the magnitude of the increase will be much smaller and less significant in real terms compared to nominal growth.
Major Competitors
Market share plays a prominent role in business research and standing in the
market. There are many competitors of detergent in Pakistan.Some of the leading brands are given
Surf Excel
Express Powder
Surf Excel
Surf Excel was the first in the Pakistan detergent powder market. Over the years, Surf Excel has anticipated the changing washing needs of the Pakistan homemaker and constantly upgraded itself.
4 P’s of Surf Excel
Surf Excel is Pakistan's largest selling compact detergent powder, it promises to tackle the toughest stains without damaging the colour of the fabric. This is because only Surf Excel has smart sensors that can differentiate stains from colours. Now consumers don't have to worry about tackling the really tough stains, especially on coloured clothes anymore.
Surf excel with active oxygen is formulated to remove a range of stains such as chocolate, ink, egg yolk, blood, turmeric and coffee. It gives clothes a complete cleaning while caring for the fabric. It is recommended by Singer (Manufacturer of Electronic appliances) for use in top loading washing machines.
Size Price
1kg Rs 175
500gms Rs 89
Those SKU(s) allow Surf Excel to deeply penetrate in the market by covering all possible washing powder consumers, based on income group. It also enjoys the market share of around 38% among the total branded laundry detergents in Pakistan.
35 and 15 gms SKU(s) are also called hanging SKU(s), it targets in lower class of society areas . Company gives special focus on the availability and visibility of these particular two SKU(s) (35 & 15 gms) in all shops of those low-line areas.
The purpose of focussing on these SKU(s) is to cater the demand of the consumers as per their low purchasing power and capacity to buy the well known brand and to generate more and more trials among the consumers to make them brand loyal. That is why the company calls these small SKU(s) a trial generation SKU(s).
Unilever has an Intensive dealership network of 450 distributors all over the Pakistan, Uni lever also prohibits distributors from carrying competitive brand of competitors. For distribution it supports intensive distribution policy which suggests targeting the product through each and every outlet.
In Karachi itself there are 7 distributors for all its products, those 7 distributors distribute the product all over the 17,500 shops twice a week, form those 17,500 shops there are 2,000 whole-sellers, who distribute the supply further to the other 7,000 shops.
Promotion and Advertisement
The brand advertisement plan is based on an annual basis, which is made on the basis of assumptions and competitors’ moves. These plans are discussed and reviewed every month and modifications / changes are made if required. If any change is required than it needs to be approved from the Directors.
They divide the advertisement budget into two parts, first part is focused on theme advertisement, and other focused on promotional activities. As a premium brand Surf Excel needs to have heavy advertisement on television. Other media also used keeping in view the target consumers.
The reason for heavy advertisement on Television is because TV is the major influencer media, so major share of the advertisement goes to TV.
For Promotion purposes, they give
Trade offers
For trade offers, they offer 36 Rs. Discount per carton etc.
Sales Force Promotion
For distribution sales force, they give 1,000 Rs. to the District sales representatives (if they achieve their targets).
Consumer Promotion
For consumers they offer promotions from time to time by providing offers such as 25% Extra quantity, 26 Rs. off, they also some times include sachet of the other products in order to generate the trials of differentU ni l ever brand SKU(s) through the strength of Surf Excel’ large consumer base.
Procter and Gamble market nearly 300 brands - including Pampers, Tide,Ariel, Always, Whisper, Pantene, Bounty. In July 1997, they launched Ariel in Pakistan based on a sophisticated and advanced formula. Its breakthrough formula was warmly welcomed by the Pakistani consumers and in a short time span it steals a significant amount of market share from Surf Excel.
New Ariel delivers against one of the key Pakistani consumer needs: a detergent that can give spotless cleaning to both coloured and white clothes. This is because new Ariel contains a unique double action system, which gets fully dissolved unlike bar soap.
In case of P&G detergent according to their brand manager the attributes consumers seeks for are as follows
1. Overall cleaning
2. Stain remover
3. Power of scrubbing (Build in additives)
4. Color care
5. Fragrance
6. Value for money
P&G have segmented their consumers in 3 different categories just like Colgate Palmolive have already done. These categories are
1. Quality conscious
2. Price conscious
3. Mix of the above two
Size Price
1Kg Rs 179
500gms Rs 90
Positioning of Ariel
The positioning of ARIEL a “Better cleaning in a simple way”. Retailers influence consumers to buy a particular brand but mostly on those brands in which they are getting high margins. In detergent category consumers are highly brand loyal and they love to use those brands in their routine life and become habitual of that particular product. Consumers’ only switches when one or more than one attributes do not keep their promise; do not fulfill the expectations of consumers. P&G also emphasize the importance of Distribution network that if product is not available at the shops on the right time and at the right place how can customer will access to a particular brand. Now a day people are much more educated due to media and they know the benefits of each brand.. The new concept of packaging was highly accepted and appreciated by the customers. Customer basically do not look for packaging color and quality of polythene bags what they want just a Quality product for them.
Express Powder
The concept behind the launch of “EXPRESS” was to provide a premium quality detergent at a medium price.
This concept came into existence after a survey which gave the results that people are buying expensive detergents because its their need , but they want a close substitute with a lower price so that it is not hard at their pockets.
4 P’s Of Express Powder
EXPRESS is a premium quality detergent which was launched at a 30% less price than other premium detergents , because the main purpose of its launch was to penetrate in the middle segment market as well as to break and capture the market of SURF by Lever brothers.
As a premium quality product at an economical price express gained huge success and just in a period of 3 years from its launch it became the market leader in 1989.
People from the middle level segment converted from soap users to express users , a big number of unbranded detergent users also converted into express users and those upper level people who purchased surf because it was their need but were not happy by its price, became express users.
All this brought a drastic change in the detergent market in Pakistan , and express was day by day becoming a threat to surf.
EXPRESS was of the same quality as of surf but was priced 30% less , this was done to enter the market and to create sales.
Express was the 1st ever Pakistani detergent to be marketed in polythene bags.
This strategy came into implementation because CP was giving top quality in express but priced it less , so she had to cover the cost somewhere. This was the main reason behind this startegy that they launched express in poly packs and not in carton packing.
This change in packing strategy was a success because people got something new in form of packaging and CP was getting its regular estimated profit by the decreased packaging costs because carton packing is far more expensive than the polythene bags.
The company thought about launching express in a low price , because they conducted a survey , in which they found out that there was a big number of potential detergent buyers who wanted an excellent quality detergent at less price.
So this survey result became the backbone of the launch of express in order to convert those potential buyers into actual buyers , and finally did managed to do so.
Size Price
1kg Rs 121
400gms Rs 57
EXPRESS is placed at stores in posh localities , as well in the middle level localities. The reason behind this placement strategy is that express was mainly launched for the middle income group. But it received good response by upper level as well. It is never placed at a shop visited by people from lower income level because it is not marketed in sachets , to cater their needs CP launched bonus which a a low quality and low price so as to fulfill the detergent needs of low level income and group and also to convert soap users into detergent users.
Promotion is an important factor and every company pays a lot of attention to it. In the case of detergents various kinds of promotion techniques can be applied.
At the time of launching of EXPRESS in 1986 ,
CP made washing machine manufacturers recommend express to their clients.
The marketing team went at peoples homes to do personal selling and to answer their questions.
Express was a co-sponsor of the world cup cricket 1987 held in Pakistan.
At the time of re-launch of EXPRESS in January 2000,
CP made the quality control manager of Al-karam textiles recommend express for the protection of fabric colors.
Bonus is the product of Colgate Palmolive - backed by Lackson Group of Industries, are a few of the oldest laundry detergents in Pakistan and enjoy a reasonable amount of share in laundry detergents market. Because of the low price factor, they attract the lower segment of the market. But due to inferior quality and less fragrance, they are unable to attract huge market.
Size Price
1kg Rs 89
500gms Rs 43
Colgate Palmolive - backed by Lackson Group of Industries, entered into the laundry detergent market by launching a product with a nameBri te in 1980. Although it was unable to capture the significant market share of Surf Excel, but is one of its main competitors. Brite also changes its packing from poly bags to suit the needs of consumers.
Size Price
1kg Rs 171
500gms Rs 72
Market Share
Surf excel 38%
Ariel 28%
Bonus 18%
Brite 11%
Express 7%
The Surf Excel enjoys the largest market share of 38% due to its better Brand Image in the market and better promotional compaigns.
Point of parity between Surf Excel and Ariel
Point of Parity Among two Brands
Stain Removal
Both Ariel and Surf Excel are focusing on the stain removal
Emotional appeal
Both companies following emotional appeal
Focusing on mothers and cause marketing for charity by hiring celebrities
but not focusing on product and performance
Surf Excel
Focusing on kids and their learning process and to highlight the basic performance (stain removal) of their product.
Whiteness and shine
Both the detergent companies are focusing on the shine and whiteness of the
Packaging & sizes
Both the detergents are available in same sizes and packaging.
Point of Differences Among two Brands
Ariel has a larger content of bleach in its formula that is better for cleaning
of white fabric ultimately giving it a more shiny and clean look. According
to Customer perception:
High bleach content in Ariel
Harmful for fabric fibers
Harmful for skin
• Surf Excel is milder but strong
Active ingredients
Surf Excel is formulated with high quality phosphate builders and multi-
active surfactant system to deliver superior cleaning in addition this formulation is further fortified with color safe bleach system and enzymes for superior stain removal in washing machines.
Whereas Ariel came up with their enzimax short for cleaning enzymes similar to that of surf excel but positioned differently thereby utilizing half the water as compared to other detergents as advertised in their ads.
Surf has become a generic name
Surf excel has a psychological advantage over any of its competitors as surf has achieved the level where surf has become a generic name for detergents category, thereby creating association in mind of its consumer.
Launching of New Detergent
“Splash washing Powder”
Why are we launching a new washing machine detergent?
After performing a complete survey, we came across to know that there is an opportunity as the people highlighted the problem that they are not satisfied with the performance of their washing machine in comparison to hand washing.
As a fact, a wrong detergent can quickly destroy any hopes of savings. There exists a tremendous amount of misconception about the detergent dosage in washing machines.
A washing machine needs a specialist detergent. Without a special detergent meant for your washing machine the washer will not clean properly. Using regular detergent may even cause mechanical problems to your machine.
Unfortunately, we have become so used to seeing lather in our old washing machines that we mistakenly relate the presence of this lather to proper functioning of a washing machine.
Splash is specially designed to work in your washing machine's large quantities of water & remove tough stains in the washing machine.
Splash has a 'low foam' formula that is designed to remove stains without generating excess foam which is harmful for your washing machine.
The concept behind the launch of “Splash” is to provide a premium quality detergent at a medium price.
This concept came into existence after a survey which gave the results that people are buying expensive detergents because its their need , but they want a close substitute with a lower price so that it is not hard at their pockets.
“Machine mange SPLASH ka sath”
Brand Creation Process
Identification of brand positioning
Developing brand identification
Creating brand image
1. Identification of brand Positioning
There are different positioning strategies under as follow:
Category positioning
Image positioning
Preemptive positioning
Benefit positioning
Unique product feature positioning
Benefit positioning;
We are going to use benefit positioning because we are launching a detergent which is basically meant for washing machines as it has the abilty to produce “Low Form” which is a basic requirement for performance with machines. Other than this is also contains “Oxy Bleach” which helps in the retention of the dyes of the clothes in machine.
2. Developing Brand Identification;
Its true that without brand identification product can not survive.
Brand identification can be created by following methods;
Brand name : Splash Washing Detergent
3. Creating brand image
We are going to give companionship with happiness through our messages and advertisement such as:
“Machine mange SPLASH ka sath“
Marketing Process
In the marketing process there are some steps which are as under:
Market Analysis
Market segmentation
Market target
Market positioning
Developing suitable marketing
Comparative analysis
Managing and controlling marketing
Now we will discuss all these concept for Splash washing Detergent.
1. Market Analysis
In the market analysis we are going to analyze the consumer in such a way:
What consumer need and want?
Who is their consumer?
Why the consumers buy?
How often the consumers buy?
How the consumer use?
How much the consumer wants the product?
How much consumer is wiling to pay?
How the consumer wants to be informed?
With the help of all these questions we easily analyze the market for our consumers.
2. Market segmentation
Every market has different segments but not always segmenting a market is equally useful. The company is making segmentation based on consumer market. There may be a large market s o we divide the market into various parts. So there is na need of segmentation based on variables. We divide the market in such a way;
• Upper class
• Middle class
• lower class
Effective segmentation
Sub stainable
Our product Splash is accessible to our customer it is easily available to for our customer. Through using print and electronic media we provide all awareness’ of our product our customer feel no difficulty in assigning the product during purchase.
The cost and profit relation is substainable for us. The customer which have been focused are potential & real customer of our product.
We have well organized staff and also have strong add campaigns for attracting segment effectively and efficiently
3. Target market
Normally speaking detergent is a product which is purchased by the housewives but still there is a big target market.
People of all ages like to wear clean clothes.
Male and Female.
Family size:
No limit of members , clothes are to be washed.
Family life cycle:
Young or old , married or single.
Rs 35000 and above
Students , Working people and Housewives.
Social class:
Upper class , Middle class and working class.
Achievers, Well settled and Ambitious people.
Hygiene conscious , Strong and Authorative.
In the case of Splash or any other detergent the final consumer is a housewife because she is the one who purchases the detergent and has knowledge about quality and price of the product.
4. Market Positioning
In the market positioning, the company capture the consumer mind as they try to occupy the consumer’s mind for the product. It means they create the image of product in the consumer’s mind.
Splash is meant for excellent machine washing because of its “Low Form” producing characteristics as well as it has other qualities like retention of dyes, easy on hand, fabric softener, leaving the clothes bright and full of fragrance.
Splash is positioned the mind of the customer through the effective advertisement and its effective performance. Our slogan is designed to target the customer mind and its slogan captures the customer and left the ever lasting image on the customer mind.
Slogan: Machine mange SPLASH ka sath
Managing the Marketing effort
We take four aspects to promote and sell their product in the market as the four marketing management functions.
Marketing analysis
Marketing planning
1. Marketing analysis
The companies make complete analysis of firm’s situation. Through marketing analysis we are able to analyze the market and marketing environment to avoid environmental threats and to find environmental opportunities. we also analyze the strength and weakness of marketing environment.
2. Marketing Plan:
Every company makes their marketing plan to achieve certain things which are as following: To achieve their goals & for increasing their sales and also for the promotion of their product. So for achieving all these things we decided to design our marketing plan in such a way which help us to reach our goals effectively and efficiently. According to our marketing plan we want to satisfy our customer with help of long term plan.
Easily available
Quality product
Provide them complete information of our product.
3. Marketing Implementation:
In this stage we turn our marketing strategies and plan into marketing action for accomplishment of our marketing objectives.
4.Marketing Control:
In the marketing control the organization take some steps.They set the specific marketing goals and then measure its performance in the marketing place. They evaluate the cause of differences in the actual and expected product performance. Finally management take corrective actions to close the gaps between its goal and its performance. For marketing control we decide that for check our performance we take following steps:
Marketing Audit
Take ideas to our customer
Listen the complains
Marketing intermediaries help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies and financial intermediaries.
It is very difficult to deal with all the wholesalers and retailers individually so Splash washing detergent has a sole distribution system with a distributing company.
Consumer markets consist of individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption. In the case of our chosen product “Splash” , a detergent , the main customers our house-wives because they are the ones who buy detergents.
There are 3 main players in the detergent industry of Pakistan.
1) Colgate-Palmolive ( Brite , Express , Bonus )
2) Lever Brothers ( Surf , Wheel )
3) Proctor & Gamble ( Ariel )
The company’s marketing environment also includes various publics such as , Financial publics , Media publics , Government publics , Citizen action publics , Local publics , Internal publics and the general public. Amongst all the publics the most important is the general public , because they are the ones that but the product so the company needs to be concerned about their attitudes toward its products.
In the case of “Splash Washing Powder” the demographics that we have found out are , that this detergent is mainly for those people who are more performance and quality oriented.
People who are ,performance conscious about their washing are Splash buyers , because when it comes to personality values than no compromise.
We are the one who launch the detergent in “Jars or Bottle Packing.” This change in packaging means that the jars packing don’t get torn off after getting wet like the carton boxes, so this change found a ready market.
Splash is a premium quality detergent, having some extra features as compare to other washing detergents. Other than this launching it in jars/bottles makes easy for the people to handle.
Marketing mix
Marketing mix consist of every thing the firm can do to influence the demand for its product .There are four variables in the marketing mix as the “Four Ps”
We are introducing Splash washing detergent . Splash is a premium quality detergent, having some extra features as compare to other washing detergents., because the main purpose of its launch was to penetrate in the upper and middle segment market as well as to break and capture the market of detergent.
People from the middle level segment converted from soap users to splash users ,a big number of unbranded detergent users also converted into Splash users and those upper level people who purchased surf because it was their need but were not happy by its price, became Splash users as well.
All this brought a drastic change in the detergent market in Pakistan , and Splash will day by day become a threat to surf.
Features of Splash
Machine detergent
Low Foam
Power full cleaning.
Good fragrance.
Keeps the colors of clothes bright
Stain remover
Retention of dyes
Penetration pricing is the pricing technique of setting a relatively low initial entry price, a price that is often lower than the eventual market price. The expectation is that the initial low price will secure market acceptance by breaking down existing brand loyalties.It is also the main tool through which we can trap our customer who are price conscious. Our prices for different packaging are
Package Price
1 kg Rs 185
500g Rs 92
125g Rs 22
We have placed splash in such a way in which it is convenient and is available to all the customer when they need .The place where we will launch our product is Lahore.
Splash is placed at stores in posh localities, as well in the middle level localities. The reason behind this placement strategy is that Splash is mainly launched for the upper and upper middle income group. But it received good response by middle level as well.
The distribution of Splash washing Powder is done by a distributing agency
We divide the Pakistan into 2 parts:
1) Sindh
2) Punjab
Sindh is further divided into 4 zones:
1) Karachi
2) Hyderabad
3) Sukkur
4) Quetta
Punjab is further divided into 5 zones:
1) Lahore
2) Faisalabad
3) Islamabad
4) Multan
Each zone is fed by a warehouse, which feeds 60 towns around each zone.
Everyday sales persons of all particular zones visit shops of their related area , collect sales reports and next orders from the shopkeepers on order taking cards.
The order taking card has the following information:
Name of the shop
Name of the shopkeeper
Name and signature of the person ordering
Address of the shop
Quantity and sizes of the product
Promotion is the element that is used now a day for sales The promotion is done by the following ways:
It further includes
Sales promotion
We will use billboard and TV advertisement for our promotion.
An advertising budget is always high when the product is new , and when the product is more or less like other products kept in the shelves at stores. The same is the case with detergents , and Splash initially had to advertise a lot in order to make the consumer aware of its differentiated strategy of a machine detergent
In the beginning stage Splash is advertised on television , radio , posters and billboards were printed and were placed at the prime sites of the country and the walls of shops were covered by the posters of splash.
The company does it through all sorts of media. The major portions of advertisements come on T.V. and are usually shown between popular prime time programs to catch the consumer’s attention.
Print media is also done time to time, and a minor percentage is also concentrated on radio. As well as posters and hoardings are an important source of advertisement and have a huge affect on peoples minds.
SWOT Analysis
• Strong Brand Portfolio
• Innovative Aspects
• Solid Base of Company
• Competitive Advantage
• Strong Competitors
• High Price
• Substitute products available in market
• Lack of control in market
• Changing lifestyles of people
• Niche target market
• Technological development and innovation
• Environment Effects
• Introduction of local products
• Increase in production and labor cost.
Point of Parity and Difference:
Point of Parity :
• Stain removal
Like other big brands, our detergent also provides maximum
stain removal guarantee.
• Fragrance
Our detergents leave the clothes full of fragrance like other detergents
• Powerful cleaning
It also has the ability to clean clothes in less time like other good detergents
Point of Difference:
• Low Foam
Our 'low foam' formula that is specially designed to remove stains without generating excess foam which is harmful for your washing machine.
• Oxy Bleach
This addition feature is added for retention of dyes, while leaving the colors bright after various washes in machine.
BCG Matrix
Our product lies in the question mark because it is not sure either it become successful or not.